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Macmillan Education donates books for vulnerable children across the CEE region

The H. Stepic CEE Charity is thrilled that it has been able to collaborate with Macmillan Education, one of the world’s largest publishers, to provide educational material to children at orphanages and schools in Russia, Ukraine and Bosnia-Herzegovina.

The Charity supports deprived children in Central and Eastern Europe to improve living conditions, primarily providing food and hygiene products and investing in infrastructure. The Charity also recognises that no truly sustainable help can be given without also supporting education. This generous donation goes a long way to fulfilling this goal.

Macmillan’s history and standing in education, plus its ongoing commitment to similar causes in other regions make it the perfect partner for this collaboration. The publisher has donated around 60 books to each of the centres involved. These are orphanages in Kharkiv and Pnikut in Ukraine, Vorontsovo and Opochka in Russia and a school in Safet Krupic in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The books chosen can be enjoyed by the children by themselves or used with the help of a teacher.

Studies have shown that starting to learn foreign languages at an early age gives children a head-start, which will put them in good stead for a bright future. This co-operation will ultimately provide these young people with some of the key skills they need to reintegrate themselves into society.

The Charity carefully selects projects that give vulnerable and deprived communities new perspectives and contribute to a wider sustainable economic and social development of the region. The Charity is truly grateful for this generous contribution of books and believes this will have a profound impact on the development and future of the children at the orphanages and schools involved.