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"The Castle of Friendship" - a new home for disadvantaged children in Dobrich

Intregrationszentrum Dobrich

The H. Stepic CEE Charity, together with the Red Cross, financed a day care centre in Dobrich (Bulgaria) for children in need. The project was triggered by the horrific reality of many children who are destined to live on the street. Their parents either abandoned them when they moved to a different country, have died or have too many children to look after. These children usually have no relatives or friends, and without help they fall through the social safety net. The Day care centre in Dobrich is able to host 30 children. The aim is to motivate these children to go to school and to integrate them into the social system. The pedagogical objective is re-socialization rather than condemning the children to an "orphanage". In extreme cases children are given the opportunity to stay overnight at the centre.

The house is the new home for poor children, who did not have a secure future. The little visitors named the house "The Castle of Friendship" - a place, where each lost child can find comfort, safety, laughter and ultimately the strength to leave the house.