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An art exhibition only for Lulzim

Artist Lulzim Basha

The young artist Lulzim Basha lives in a day care centre for disabled people in Arameras (Albania). The day care centre was founded by the H. Stepic CEE Charity and its project partner, Mag. Arch. Julius Eberhardt (Palais Fanto). Lulzim is not like every other young boy because he has got some special talents.

Lulzim Basha is a painter. And he even has his own art exhibition. In the picturesque Albanian town Durres, on 13 July 2012 Lulzim presented his art work to the public for the first time.

The special care that people in the day care centre of Arameras (roughly 20 km away from Tirana) receive, makes it possible that the talents of disabled people are especially and professionally promoted. Lulzim always stood out for his special talent and thus the H. Stepic CEE Charity made his own art exhibition possible. By financing this project in Arameras the H. Stepic CEE Charity generally supports the improvement of the local situation with regards to disabled people and additionally, promotes Lulzim’s talent.

Lulzim Basha is happy and also has immortalized himself in the hearts of the members of the H. Stepic CEE Charity as well as the people of Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI): one of his beautiful art works found a special place in RBI’s Head Office at Am Stadtpark in Vienna.