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Job trainings for single mothers

A main reason for unemployment is low education. In Hungary the unemployment rate is quite high with 509.000 people without a job in the first quarter of 2013, thereof 220.000 women. Single mothers have to struggle not only with raising their child but also with competing on the job market often without proper education and valuable trainings.

Together with the Hungarian Red Cross, the H. Stepic CEE Charity, starting its first project in Hungary -  a program for vulnerable single mothers. This project will provide job market trainings for single mothers who live in the Hungarian Red Cross Temporary Family Shelters.

Mothers and their children mainly move into these institutions either because they are victims of family violence or because they lost their home due to extensive debts. In the best case scenario the young mothers have only a primary school certificate, which makes them an unattractive job applicant.

The Charity aims at the empowerment of the vulnerable women and therefore supports the project by providing single mothers with a job-market compatible training. About 30 women will be provided with the possibility to take part in certified job trainings. Participants will become well-trained cashiers; this enables them to find a job at any settlement throughout Hungary. With the support of the Charity single mothers can make their first steps back toward independence.