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Help for street children in Novi Sad

Straßenkinder Novi Sad

The H. Stepic CEE Charity initiated a project in Novi Sad in cooperation with the Ecumenical Humanitarian Organisation (EHO). This local NGO helps socially disadvantaged people to prepare themselves for a life of financial independence.

EHO, which also cooperates with Caritas, has built an advisory centre for street children. Many of these children are orphans; others suffer from violence within their families, dismal children’s institutions or from the fact that their families have financial problems. Living in so-called „Hot Spots“, the street children try to survive through begging, stealing, washing cars, dealing with drugs or by prostituting themselves.

The ambition of the Charity is to improve the quality of life of the neglected street children in Novi Sad through education, outreach counseling and emergency aid and to include these children in the health and welfare systems as quickly as possible.