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A better future for children in Albania (New)

Our day care center for their education


Children's house for the future in Ukraine

The poorer you are, the lesser the quality of education, the lower the chances to escape poverty. When children lack education from early on, it is hard for them to catch up later in life. This is why we started our project in Kiev.


“Omamas” boost education in Slovakia – Women for a better society (New)

Education does not start at the age of six. Children need to be prepared for school by developing skills and knowledge from early on. Our project is all about catching the most vulnerable ones as early as possible, so they do not fall through the educational grid.


"Education at the Centre" – Drop-in Centre for Children in Need (Niš, Serbia) (New)

Jointly with the Zumtobel Group and our local partner Indigo, we have initiated our project "Education at the Centre". Our common goal is to accompany marginalized children through primary school and thus provide them with a solid foundation for their future education. For this purpose they come to our centre in Niš, the third largest city in Serbia. Zumtobel has set up a branch there, which the company also sees as an opportunity to take on the challenges in the region, i.e.


Centres of Hope - Daily warm meals in three Bosnian day care centres (New)

Almost one fifth of Bosnians live in poverty, according to UNICEF this affects 170,000 children who live mainly in rural areas. Educational deficits are also a particular problem for children who grow up poor. With our project "Centres of Hope", together with our project partner EMMAUS, with whom we are working for the first time, we are giving tuition, remedial courses and hot meals to more than 150 of our six to 14-year-old protégés in three day centres.

