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The orphanage Bohodukhiv got renovated

Not far from Kharkiv, in the east of Ukraine, stands the orphanage Bohodukhiv. Until recently, 120 children and adolescents between the ages of 4 and 18, some of them with very severe disabilities, had to live there in the midst of mold, crumbling walls, and rickety, poorly nailed beds. No environment to treat serious developmental delays, respiratory diseases, neuromuscular problems, cerebral palsy, motor dysfunction, or trauma - often the condition of the needy even worsened.

Two years ago we started renovating the orphanage. And that was no small task: Everything had to be renewed except for the foundation walls: Floors were torn out and replaced, new doors and windows installed, electrical lines and water pipes laid, a laundry room set up, a new roof covered. Of course, we also provided new beds and made sure all around that the furnishings met the needs of our fosterlings.

"It makes me happy that we can now make a good life possible for our fosterlings. The joy and gratitude was written in their faces. They are taken care of very well and lovingly by the employees. The orphans now have a place where they are cared for and have the chance that their health will improve," said Sanin Merdzan, project manager who has been in charge of the renovation for the last two years, at the opening ceremony in July.

In the presence of numerous guests, including the Mayor of Kharkiv and the CEO of Raiffeisen Bank Aval, the children and adolescents entered the newly renovated home at the opening ceremony. We would like to thank all those who support us in making a humane life possible for our fosterlings!

Enclosed you can see photos showing how bad the orphanage was and how nice it is now.